Welcome to Our Home Page

Where shall we start? Premium Car Care was started in October 2009 by Johan & Magda Hoon. We were looking for a range of products that were worth the money spent on it. Growing up, I got to know only the locally produced products which are good and a lot of people still swear by it.

The problem was that there were only limited items available and it seemed that a lot of elbow grease was required to get the desired results, especially if you didn't have a new car. Being a F1 Grand Prix and Ayrton Senna fan, I always saw the Sonax Logos, but never knew what it stood for.

Using Sonax for The First Time

One day I got a sample of the Sonax Gloss Shampoo and Wheel Rim cleaner, although sceptical at first, I was sold after its first use. The "stuff" actually worked!. This was not a TV Infomercial gimmick where most of the products don't work. This was the REAL thing.

Premium Car Care

Premium Car Care is an after hours and weekend venture. We detail and valet cars. We are also the agents in the Western Cape for Sonax's full product range. We are still in the process of growing.

If you would like to see the work we've done, select the Gallery button to view our workmanship. Over time, this Gallery will grow to illustrate various brands of motor manufacturers that received their Tender Loving Care from us and Sonax.


Thank you for visiting our website.

Yours faithfully.

Johan & Magda

SONAX Premium Class